Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year Eve- Eve. :)

So its been decided!! May 5, 2012. I have several locations I would ideally like to use. But I really think that I want to use Sonnernberg Gardens. They have several small gardens where you can have 40 people at the ceremony and then we could have cheese, wine and cake. I would like to keep it very small. Mostly becuase I know Jacob would want that. I do think he would be surprised how small 40 people is. And his mom will probably try and encourage me to invite certain people. But with a small wedding- it involves making choices...

And the planning continues...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Ring!

As my beautiful cousin requested- here is the ring!

Wednesdays are Awesome!!

Is happy to report that today is Wednesday!! This week it is my Thursday because I am off this Friday for the new year. So excited.

I did a great job yesterday! Went to work, the gym, made dinner, cleaned up and did a load of laundry. Very exciting stuff.... :p

My friend Megan said that Jacob told her husband that he is thinking this will be a long engagement. :( While this is hard to hear (especially from someone else) that's fine. Long engagements have Pros and Cons:

  1. You can plan carefully,
  2. You can go to other weddings and get good ideas of what to do (and NOT to do),
  3. You can save up money for the extras,
  4. You can save up money to make sure you get your bridesmaids and family wonderful gifts!!
  5. You can encourage your future husband to hang out with his friends so that he can actually have some groomsmen!! (ha-ha)
  6. You are more likely to get the venue and photographer and caterer that you wanted!!


  1. You are waiting.. :(

So while I am super sad that it is probably 100% that i will not be getting married this July like I wanted- that certainly doesn't mean I can't plan for the following July. July 2012 will be just as awesome as July 2011- maybe even better because Jacob and I will be getting married. (hopefully).

Goals for today:

  1. No snacking,
  2. Go to the gym,
  3. make a yummy healthy dinner that involves Jacob eating a salad,
  4. clean up after dinner, clean off my coffee table, and vacuum the house,
  5. Have sexy snuggle time with my future husband!!

Here's to making today a success!! :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2nd Job to pay for Wedding??

Am I crazy? Even though my mother is planning on giving me a reasonable amount of money for my wedding- but I am considering getting another job (one that involves no thinking) for extra money. I could direct deposit the money into my 2nd checking account and name it WEDDING. this way I could do super nice gifts for my bridesmaids and take Jacob on a surprise honeymoon someplace AWESOME.

I think I will apply tomorrow and this weekend some places close to home.

Tuesday Mornings: possibly worse than Monday Mornings....

Let me tell you how much i hate my cat today...

She has decided the past two nights at 11:30 - 12:30 that she wants to play. She tells me by trying to open the closet or putting her face ontop of my face. While this is semi-cute on the weekends- chasing her around the upstairs of my house trying to make her leave me alone is starting to drive me crazy. Last night I stayed up for 30 mins petting her on the couch and then the cat decided to attack my arm to tell me she had enough. Seriously??? didn't you just wake me up for attention? F*** you cat. Yea thats right- I said it. >:-{

On a lighter note:
I did go to the gym yesterday (wahoo) so now I have gone two days in a row. and while I had a very healthy lunch- Jacob is not ready for healthy dinners. :( He wanted spare ribs in the pressure cooker (which he made) and i insisted on making broccoli. I also sucked and did not clean up- so I have a wonderful chore waiting for me when I get home. :( And great news- after i cook dinner I will have more dishes to wash....

But back to the gym today after work!! Jacob and I drove to work together this morning. He likes to do this now. He was resistant at first because then he stays at work a little later till i pick him up- but he likes it now. He even brought it up on Monday AND its not even snowing.

Off to actually work today... Hoping my wonderful cousin will play scrabble with me today. I am bored of doing nothing at work and I can't start working until tomorrow when Data is ready to be pulled... (blah blah work talk).

So I will play scrabble and look at wedding websites like a good employee :p

Monday, December 27, 2010


So its happened. Yay!! We're engaged.

Now i find myself my biggest critic. :( I have the following goals:

1. Lose 15-20 lbs before the wedding.
2. Have a healthier life style for me AND my future husband (!!!)
3. Make sure that i follow through with my commitments. At times i get lazy and would prefer to visit my family another weekend, or do the dishes tomorrow. Enough is enough! Why not do today instead of put off tomorrow!!
4. Start dressing better at work and no more comfy pants as soon as I get home. I want to be taken more seriously and be more sexy for my future husband. While his old PJ pants are O SO COMFORTABLE- they are not screaming sexy in any way.
5. Go to the GYM 5-7 days a week. This way I'll sleep better and look better.

So today I am doing well on my list! I have dressed very nice to work (too bad this stuff barely fits and i'm uncomfortable!!), I have my gym bag packed so I am heading straight there after work, and I will make a healthier dinner for Jacob and I and clean up right after.

I am hoping this blog will keep me on my goals, help me remember the happy memories of planning our wedding, and remind me what is important- taking care of the man I love and myself.